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公司名称: 安阳市万通机械责任有限公司

主营产品: 高压清洗机  驱动液压疏通机  锅炉清理机  管道疏通机  皮卡清淤绞车  牵引式管道清理机  智能清洗机  凝结器清洗机 

企业成立: 2014-05-26 员工规模: 1

联系qq:   联系销售     联系采购

安阳市万通机械有限公司市级“重合同、守信用”企业。河南省*商标“万古牌” 各种规格型号路面清扫机、管道清理机、疏通机等,已有近二十年的生产历史。经过不断创新改造,产品的质量、外观和实用性逐步得到改进和提高。*国内二十多个省市自治区,多年来一直深受用户欢迎和青睐。本公司设备*、技术力量雄厚,拥有职工培训中心等配套设施及高素质的技术管理人才。先后引进国际、国内*技术和生产工艺,提高产品科技含量,尤其在近几年来,使十多个系列产品的质量不断更新换代。完善企业管理体系,并通过了ISO9001国际质量体系认证。 顾客的希望是我们追求的方向,竭诚为顾客服务是我们的心愿,本公司素以完善的售后服务、诚至的爱心、奉献给新老客户,欢迎来人来涵,洽谈业务。 Wantong Machinery Co., Ltd. Anyang municipal "he*y co*act, keep promise" enterprise. The companys le*g product "forever" brand models of various specifications road sweeping machines, pipe cleaning machine, dredging machines, nearly two decades of production history. Through constant innovation and transformation, product quality, appearance and usefulness of progressively improved and increased. Selling more than 20 domestic provinces and autonomous regions, over the years has been well received by customers welcome and f*or. The companys advanced equipment, strong technical force, with staff training center and other facilities and high quality technical management personnel. Has the i*oduction of international and domestic advanced technology and production processes,Improving product technology content, especially in recent years, so that more than 10 constantly upgr*g the quality of products. Improve the enterprise management system, and passed ISO9001 international quality system certification.



价格: 面议

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